Let a Camel handle your marketing workload

Too many Marketing to-dos? If you can't get check them off fast enough, we're here to help. We'll handle all your copy and design so marketing doesn't break your back.

Too much marketing to do in not enough time?

Too much marketing to do in not enough time?

That's bad. After all, marketing is what makes the business grow. It's easy to get held back with tasks: you can't stop to write down some incredible copy, there's too much stuff to design, and you're missing a new set of eyes that can point out bad parts of your user journey.

Well, it seems you need some help. Let us take care of your marketing tasks so your business gets back on the race.

This is how we can help you.

We only offer the services below. We do them well.

Landing Page Copy

Website Copy


Promotional Emails


Cold Email Copy

CRO for Pages

Opinion Articles

SEO Articles

LinkedIn Carrousels

Twitter Threads

Social Media Copy


LinkedIn Personal Posts

Ad Creatives

Our camels helped some great brands.

They needed more hands on deck. And we brought something better: a caravan of camels.

Clear scope. Fair price.

The Bahamas complains that our pricing is more clear than their waters. And we agree. Pause or cancel whenever you want.


  • One requests at a time
  • Delivery in 48 hours
  • Trello Board for easy project management
  • Pay easily by card
  • Pause or cancel anytime

How does Camels work?

It'll be your easiest experience ever with an agency. Watch the 2 minuto explainer of our dashboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why shouldn't I hire a Marketer to do this?

Well, because to hire a Senior Marketer that produces the same quality as us would cost you $80,000 or more. And good luck finding one that does design, copy, and CRO, all in one. Besides, there's the flexibility: with Camels you can start, stop, and pause at any time; with an employee, not so much.

Price seems low. What's the catch?

None. We're this pricing model and will increase prices as demand picks up. Expect it to reach $4,000 to $5,000 a month.

Is there a limit on requests?

No. But keep in mind we only work on 1 request at the time, usually delivered within 48 hours.

How do I submit a request?

You fill out our submission form. Then, you can check the status in our Trello board.

What if I don't like the work you did?

No worries - just give us your feedback and we'll fix within 48 hours.

How do I pause or cancel?

You might not have enough work to justify the fee, and that's okay. Billing cycles are based on 31 day period. If you pause during the billing cycle, you can redeem your leftover subscription duration at a later date. If you cancel during the billing cycle, you won't receive a refund.

Didn’t find the answer you are looking for? Contact Diogo and he'll answer your questions.

Headshot of Diogo

"I started camels after realizing most Marketing teams face delays and pile up work. We fix that. We handle all of core work - copy and design - so you can focus on strategy and growth."

Diogo, Chief Camel @ Camels